


  1. 洗手。这样做有助于避免感染。
  2. 止血。轻微割伤与擦伤一般会自行止血。如有需要,可使用干净的绷带或布条轻轻按压伤口。抬高该部位直至出血停止。
  3. 清理伤口。用清水冲洗伤口。用自来水冲洗伤口可降低感染风险。用肥皂清洁伤口周围。但别把肥皂弄到伤口上。不要使用过氧化氢或碘伏,这两者都会刺激伤口。用酒精消毒过的镊子清除所有污垢或碎屑。如果无法清除所有碎屑,请咨询医疗护理专业人员。
  4. 涂抹抗生素或矿脂。涂一层薄薄的抗生素软膏或矿脂,这样可以保持表面湿润并防止瘢痕形成。部分抗生素软膏中的成分可能会导致一些人出现轻度皮疹。如果您出现皮疹,请停用软膏。
  5. 包扎伤口。包上绷带、成卷的纱布或用纸带固定的纱布。包扎伤口可保持伤口清洁。如果只是轻微的擦伤或划痕,请勿包扎伤口。
  6. 更换敷料。每天至少更换一次,或者在敷料弄湿或弄脏时进行更换。
  7. 打破伤风针。如果您在过去五年中没有打过破伤风,并且伤口较深或较脏,那么您需要打破伤风针。
  8. 留意感染迹象。如果您发现皮肤或伤口附近有感染迹象,请咨询医疗护理专业人员。感染迹象包括变色部位扩大、疼痛加剧、流脓、发热或肿胀。

These guidelines can help you care for minor cuts and scrapes:

  1. Wash your hands. This helps avoid infection.
  2. Stop the bleeding. Minor cuts and scrapes usually stop bleeding on their own. If needed, gently press the wound with a clean bandage or cloth. Raise the area until the bleeding stops.
  3. Clean the wound. Rinse the wound with water. Keeping the wound under running water will lower the risk of infection. Wash around the wound with soap. But don't get soap in the wound. And don't use hydrogen peroxide or iodine. Both can irritate wounds. Remove any dirt or debris with tweezers cleaned with alcohol. See a healthcare professional if you can't remove all debris.
  4. Put on an antibiotic or petroleum jelly. Put on a thin layer of an antibiotic ointment or petroleum jelly to keep the surface moist and help prevent scarring. Ingredients in some antibiotic ointments can cause a mild rash in some people. If you get a rash, stop using the ointment.
  5. Cover the wound. Put on a bandage, rolled gauze or gauze held in place with paper tape. Covering the wound keeps it clean. If you have just a minor scrape or scratch, don't cover it.
  6. Change the covering. Do this at least once a day or whenever the covering becomes wet or dirty.

Seek medical care if:

  • See a healthcare professional if you see signs of infection on the skin or near the wound. These include expanding changes in color, increasing pain, drainage, warmth or swelling.
  • See a healthcare professional to get a tetanus shot. A tetanus shot is needed if you haven't had one in the past five years and the wound is deep or dirty.
May 01, 2024