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Nick C. Canzanello, D.O.

  1. Physiatrist


  1. Churchill RA, White MJ, Canzanello NC, Reeves RK, Luetmer MT. Incomplete spinal cord injury with persistent neuropathic pain secondary to iatrogenic epidural hematoma: A Clinical Vignette. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2024 Apr 1 Epub 2024 Apr 01
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  2. Hagedorn JM, Canzanello N, Lamer TJ. Dorsal Root Ganglion Stimulation for Erythromelalgia Related Foot Pain: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Pain Pract 2021 Jul; 21 (6):698-702 Epub 2021 Feb 12
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  3. Hagedorn JM, Deer TR, Canzanello NC, Covington SM, Schroeder DR, Bendel MA, Moeschler SM, Hooten WM. Differences in calculated percentage improvement versus patient-reported percentage improvement in pain scores: a review of spinal cord stimulation trials. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2021 Apr; 46 (4):293-297 Epub 2021 Jan 21
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  4. Hagedorn JM, Canzanello N, Bendel MA, P Pittelkow T, J Lamer T. Antibacterial Envelope Use for the Prevention of Surgical Site Infection in Spinal Cord Stimulator Implantation Surgery: A Retrospective Review of 52 Cases. J Pain Res. 2021; 14:2249-2254 Epub 2021 July 23
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  5. Dombovy-Johnson ML, Hagedorn JM, Wilson RE, Canzanello NC, Pingree MJ, Watson JC. Spinal Cord Stimulation for Neuropathic Pain Treatment in Brachial Plexus Avulsions: A Literature Review and Report of Two Cases. Neuromodulation. 2020 Jul; 23 (5):704-712 Epub 2020 Feb 18
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  6. Luetmer MT, Do A, Canzanello NC, Bauer BA, Laskowski ER. The Feasibility and Effects of Acupuncture on Muscle Soreness and Sense of Well-being in an Adolescent Football Population. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2019 Nov; 98 (11):964-970
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  7. Canzanello N.C., Moore B.J., Newcomer K.L. Elbow Pain in an Adolescent Pitcher Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. May 2019.