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Michael S. Underhill, D.O.

  1. Family Physician


  1. Underhill M, Chavez A, Green E, Kresin M, Singh C. Clinician satisfaction with implementation of Continuity, Patient Panel correction, and 30-minute template initiative (CP3O). Ann Fam Med. 2023; 21(Supplement 3):4814.
  2. Bracamonte JD, Underhill M, Pullins C. Asking clinicians to enhance their medical coding skills, another necessary task. Med Econ. 2023.
  3. Bracamonte JD, Underhill M. Do EHR upgrades really enhance patient care? Med Econ. 2023.
  4. Bracamonte JD, Underhill M, Schweda D. Oral congenital melanocytic nevi: a rare finding. Consultant. 2023; 63(2):e9. Epub 2022 Sep 01.
  5. Gannon M, Underhill M, Wellik KE. Clinical inquiries. Which oral antibiotics are best for acne? J Fam Pract. 2011 May; 60(5):290-2.
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  6. Bracamonte JD, Underhill M, Sarmiento P. Acute pancreatitis associated with lisinopril and olanzapine. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2010 Feb 1; 67 (3):214-6
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  7. Khalsa SK, Roberts CC, Underhill MS. Acute pulmonary toxicity from thalidomide in a patient with multiple myeloma Radiology Case Reports. 2007; 2: (2)71.
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